
Friday, December 17, 2010

Second is Just First Place Loser

I was a little surprised, nay shocked, to learn that the Hill Cantons had come in second in Cyclopeatron's Hottest Blogs ranking. I mean how did our standards as a community fall so low?


  1. Congratulations! Your ranking is well-earned; you've been very prolific and had some great stuff lately.

  2. Hard work does pay off after all. Congrats, you deserve it!

  3. There really are that many Tony Bath fans.

  4. Well done on bringing standards crashing down! You're in the clear though - it's our fault for liking it so much...

    Desert Scribe puts it well - so many good posts.

  5. It's kind of all of you to say that. The only thing I write in my real-life work these days is media advisories and in-house research reports, so I enjoy the daily writing escape into fantasy.

    We have a great hobby still brimming with potential and it's pleasure to explore it all with you folks.

  6. Nice work ckutalik! Aye, some good meaty posts lately, keep em'comin - Scaly
