
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Last Call on the GM Challenge PDF

I am still seeing entries chugging along in the GM Challenge—along with some holier-than-thou criticism. Fortunately the co-sharing and creating seems to be trumping the tongue-clucking.

Grouchy jabs aside, a few things on the pdf document that I am reformatting and compiling from the range of entries:

1.  I am going to be putting the final package together tomorrow morning. If you haven't made an entry yet and want to, or you have and you haven't flagged it here (it's a matter of scattered me being able to keep up with it all), please drop a link in the comments below.

2.  If you DO NOT want your blog entry included in the pdf please also drop me a line in the comments below.

3.  Your entry will be, of course, fully attributed to you and a link will be made in the file to your blog.

I will be slapping on some observations and analysis about the whole process in the introduction as there are several interesting broader threads I see gelling.

I have been really interested in some of the apparent contradictions, a reminder that one size never fits all and that there is a beautiful creative unity in that diversity. But more about that later...


  1. Not sure if I posted a link before or not, but I wrote this:

  2. Thanks Stuart.

    The GM badges you put out are an interesting parallel exploration. Exploring the various differences in how we approach GMing is really fascinating and useful. Kudos for getting that going.

  3. I would like to offer three suggestions, but I don't know if I can finish the post in time...

  4. Don't know if you saw mine:

    but your welcome to include it.

  5. Include away - heck - you are even welcome to write more content and say that I wrote it.

    - Ark

  6. Thanks Chris. :) It was partly inspired by seeing all the different "Best Practices" people were posting, and the idea behind FLAILSNAILS of having games people could easily move between.

  7. @Ark
    Very cool. I will add a point about how important it is to wear underwear on your head when behind the DM screen then.

  8. @ckutalik - I thought everyone knew that already! You do, however, need to make sure that the elastic band isn't too tight - otherwise it cuts off blood circulation to the brain. We can't have brain-dead panty-headed DMs running around, now can we?

    - Ark

  9. @ckutalik:

    I'm looking forward to the PDF. Please do me a favor and when you credit mine, put my full name down: Peter V. Dell'Orto - I use that for all of my authored stuff so I'd like to keep it consistent. :)

    Thanks for doing this!

  10. @Peter
    That I will.

    A good point too for everyone else, if you want your name credited as something other than your username, drop me a line.

  11. @Arkhein: I'm going to have to use that for a zombie encounter now. :)

    @ckutalik: Grumbling is what we grognards do! In fact, it's what the word means. It lets everyone know we take our games seriously.

    As I've said elsewhere, the challenge is a great idea. It gets us really thinking about what we do & why we do it. Sometimes, it gets too easy to slip into routines (on many levels ~ pun so intended) and we need to be reminded (or mindful).

    There's a lot of food for thought in this (and future posts)! Thanks for starting the die rolling!


  12. I'm buried under real life stuff, but I'm going to see what I can do. Most likely, I'm going to miss the deadline.

  13. @Grendelwulf

    Re: grouchiness, it's a rare thing for me in my gaming and related writing. I can almost literally count on one hand the number of times I have been genuinely been pissed about something, however twice of those times have been in the last week. Must becoming a bearskin-shako wearing grog then haha.

  14. Please consider my contribution:

    And credit me by name (Paolo Greco) if you choose to include my contribution, please :)

  15. Here's mine:

  16. I only have one tip, but here it is:

  17. I'm really glad all of you did this. After a long hiatus, I've just started playing (not GMing) in an online game, and I've begun toying with the idea of GMing once more (which I used to do back in the day). Whatever some critics may have said, for a gamer in my position, everyone's posts have been extremely informative, motivating and inspiring. I'm very excited about the pdf.

  18. I'm pretty sure I tried to post a link to my thoughts on the subject, but I don't see it anywhere (I apologize for any redundancy).

  19. If you link to my blog, please link to the RPG category instead of the entire blog: – and thank you very much for collecting all the posts into a single document!
