
Monday, November 21, 2011

A Brief Interruption of Business as Usual

Under a rock? Look here then.

Editor's Note: the wonders of the Internet, there is already an entire blog dedicated to this meme


  1. Interesting juxtaposition of images. I'm don't immediately grasp the metaphor being employed here. There seems to be a world of difference in the protesters' role and the knight&lady from the romantic painting.

    Nevertheless, I abhor the brutality at UC Davis a few days ago and am politically quite sympathetic to the Occupy movement. I've been a personal witness to police brutality twice this year (completely unrelated to Occupy.) The two events have really put a chill into me and I expect much violence and mayhem in the coming decade from the clash of our economic system and the world around us.

  2. It's part of a meme going around of Lt. Pike being photo-shopped into various works of art. The intention is to highlight the casual, institutionally-backed cruelty of the act. (The "banality of evil" as Arendt would say.)

    The image I used here is to say that thinking about the incident has intruded into my own medieval fantasy musings today.

  3. Eric, see the link I added above for more examples of the meme.

    And yes I agree with on the broader political point. Rough times ahead.

  4. I'm sure there are police officers around the world watching what's going on and wondering at the positions they're being put in.

  5. Sadly, I've come to expect this type of violence from the police. I've seen, first hand, much less than what these protesters are doing rile up the police enough to become violent. I'm a pretty normal, law-abiding, tax-paying US citizen and I've lost all faith in the police over the past year.

    The police cannot claim to be defenders of law and order or protectors of the people. Blood and death are coming.

  6. The context of the picture makes me feel so bad for laughing, but there are so many clever photoshoppers out there these days.

  7. Part of what works for the meme is that it's funny as hell. A healthy thing to laugh and get angry at the same time.
