
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Will the True Grognard Please Stand Up?

Preparing a series of posts on Heritage and Ral Partha minis--and my pre-D&D childhood lust for all things lead and 25mm from foot to head--I stumbled on these vids.

Note that all the figures are individually based still, not even on stands or movement trays, meaning that for all the hours (days?) spent setting up there really is no way to even conveniently move them around, let alone use them in a tabletop.

There really are times when I truly miss the bat-shit obsessiveness of historical miniatures.


  1. Wow. Amazing. But this is also why I stick to skirmish games and RPGs. It takes me 2 hours to paint a single figure, and typically I can afford to average only about 1 hour per day painting (sometimes less). In the best case scenario, it would take me 137 years to complete a project of this size.

  2. @Bard
    Then you appreciate just how bat shit this is (and I mean that fondly). Over four years I accumulated about 1000 El Cid-era Andalusians and an army or two worth of feudal and late medieval 28mms. A decade later I have maybe half of them painted and based.

  3. I have watched these a few too many times to admit at this point. I particularly like the

    Gives you a feel for unit depth that you never really get viscerally when you have maybe three ranks represented on the table top. Those were truly massive formations of men drawn up on those frontages.

  4. "I particularly like the infantry squares standing or breaking in the second video."

  5. "Over four years I accumulated about 1000 El Cid-era Andalusians and an army or two worth of feudal and late medieval 28mms. A decade later I have maybe half of them painted and based. "

    I've been at your house a few times within these time periods and you've never shown them off to me? Damn. I'll have you know I will 'ooo' and 'ahh' as appropriate. (Though I suppose they'll be overshadowed by other 'ooo' and 'ahh's these days).

    And to think I was hoping to wow you with 20 painted saxons. heh.

    And Bard: some people paint even slower than you!

  6. Pshaw! "Obsessive"! There's no baggage train.

