
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Free Quality RPG Products?

This morning in a fit of procrasti-tasking—really nothing spurs my hobby writing more than having to complete a large real-world writing project--I started compiling a big old master list of the free DIY rpg products (PDF and printed) that I love to post blogside here.

There is a bewildering amount of free, quality stuff out there and the minds of the crowd I hear outweigh the mind of this individual, so this here's an all-call for adventures, settings, compilations, games, monster collections or whatever you love of freebies. Drop me a link and maybe a little motivation regarding that little piece of the gift economy near and dear.

Klallam potlatch
Why do you enjoy it? Do you use it at the table? Enquiring minds want to know.  


  1. What I find most interesting about the free products is they show a range of imagination and invention lacking in published resources, largely I think for economic reasons. People can put out in old any old thing that fits their fancy in pdfs: Hereticwerks baroque re-imagining of spells in Space-Age Sorcery, Justin Davis b-movie obsession in Devastation at the Drive-In, and Jack Shear's use of the Gothic in Tales of the Grotesque & Dungeonesque, just to name a few.

  2. My favorite freebies are those from Distant Horizons Games: Eclipse: The Codex Persona and The Practical Enchanter.

    They're both d20-based products, and for me they're the fulfillment of that old d20 credo "options, not restrictions."

    Eclipse, to be more specific, is a point-buy character-generation system that's unmatched in its flexibility while still being 100% compatible with the d20 rules. It finally breaks the shackles of exception-based design that are part and parcel of class-levels, so that you can actually build a character to your theme, instead of limiting your theme by what's mechanically available (as the co-author regularly shows over on his blog).

    The Practical Enchanter does much the same, but for the mechanics of spells and magic items.

    They're both great products, and I heartily recommend them.

  3. "Petty Gods" by Peter Gifford

    "The Dungeon Dozen" blog by Jason Sholtis

    Of course, most everyone in the OSR knows these two, but in case a newcomer finds your list of resources, these just have to be on it.
