Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Alternative D&D Next Covers Released

Great peacemaker that I am, I have drawn some alternative DIY aesthetic covers for the new D&D Next. Feel free to photocopy them and duct tape them over the hardcover originals if they offend thee. Sadly I ran out of paper and lunch break time before I could finish the new DMG.(Kickstarter?)


  1. As I mentioned on my own blog, I thought all the covers depicted the imminent death of the PC.

  2. Sorry, not buying anything that doesn't have a bunch of miscreants prying gems from the eyes of a demon idol.

  3. WQRobb, I find the art bland, rather than offensive, but I like the fact that they say, "PCs will die unless you play well," rather than the usual, "your PC will be the most dangerous thing around, and awesome to boot".

  4. Now those covers are OLD SCHOOL!!! Nicely done, hoss!

  5. Quoting someone on g+, "Rawr! Fuck!" would be a good title for a game. I'm still going with "Madmen, Fools and Adventurers" though.

  6. These look just like OD&D art!

  7. I can tell you that I would more likely buy a game with those covers than the WotC versions...

  8. Seriously, this cracked me up. Awesome. haha.

  9. In lieu of a 'Shit hot, love it' button...'Like'.

  10. I'm am a literal person... so I hate when people write "LOL" because you *know* they didn't actually laugh out loud. They probably just smiled inwardly. It's so irritating how overused LOL is.

    But.. I literally just laughed out loud when I saw this. LITERALLY <-- used correctly.

    1. That's why I use FLOL and LLOL: Figuratively Laugh Out Loud and Literally Laugh Out Loud.

  11. I really liked this post so I added a link to it through my Best Reads of the Week series. I hope you don't mind.

