For Barbarella the
one and only amazon of my heart.
Requirements: STR 11 (Western), DEX 11
Prime Requisite: STR or DEX
Hit Dice: 1d8
Maximum Level: 12
Zem, the turtle-borne world of the Hill
Cantons, bears not one but two great nations of what are ham-fistedly
called “Amazons” by the weak of imagination.
Both tribes claim a
common founding (and likely apocryphal) figure the great Queen Dwar
Kin and a similar martial and matriarchal bent to their cultural
ethos, and despite their differences in psycho-geography and
language, they exhibit a rather remarkably consistent culture.
Those of Oiorpata, that distant and
exotic isle near the resting point of the Sun Lord's daily ride,
are a fine, strong-boned, if verbally assertive race noted for their
love of high-crested, baroque helmets, polished armor, and knitting
circles. World famous is their biennial Ebon Festival of the Pearls,
a soiree that marks both the climax of the black pearl harvest from
the swamp-polyps and the victory of that muscle-bounded race of
maidens against the invading forces of the Overkingdom in
the Twicefold Battle of Vague Suggestiveness, now some 112
years ago. It is said that the high-point of the festivities is
the public bathing and drinking by their much-feared, rubenesque
queen of the blood of 12 male lovers.

The amazons
styled as the Bila-Urkithians are a semi-nomadic race who ride the
eastern reaches of the Sea of Grass. The “White” Urkithians favor
wildly-stripped, baggy trousers in defiance of their more
patriarchical neighbors, the Pantless Barbarians, gaily-colored tassels, and phyrgian hats
or helmets. Though thinner-boned then their western sisters, they are
of a durable and fierce nature, particularly hating all forms of the
romanticized Amazonomachy so beloved by Overkingdom
court painters. They are ruled by a council of elected Hetwimmin who
meet annually to organize a massive, and mostly peaceful
demonstrative march through the Hill Cantons.
Western Amazons by way of their
life-long training and aesthetic choice are masters (mistresses?)
thrown or hurled weapons, most notably the pilum (a heavy javelin
delivering d6+1 damage), lasso or atlatl, gaining a +1 to hit and an
incredible extra 30 feet of range with such weapons. They also deal
+1 in damage in melee when striking with a spear.
Eastern Amazons gain a +1 to hit when
on horseback and a +1 to hit with their beloved composite bows or
darts. They also receive a +1 to hit with the gracefully-styled
hand-axes they prefer.
Amazons as a willful race save as
They so despise those weak-willed men
who encase themselves in gothic-plated cocoons of steel that they may
only wear armor of chain (or half-plate) and under.
Amazon Level Progression |
Experience |
Level |
Hit Dice (1d8) |
0 |
1 |
1 |
2,101 |
2 |
2 |
4,201 |
3 |
3 |
8,401 |
4 |
4 |
16,801 |
5 |
5 |
33,601 |
6 |
6 |
70,001 |
7 |
7 |
140,001 |
8 |
8 |
280,001 |
9 |
9 |
400,001 |
10 |
+3 hp only * |
540,001 |
11 |
+6 hp only * |
660,001 |
12 |
+9 hp only * |
*Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored |