“...the Alliance constructed a
fortress north of the base constructed to accommodate the large
bodied elder scientists (later to be called the City State of the
Invincible Overlord when nomadic barbarians settled amongst the ruins
thousands of years later)...Completing the dismantling and
demolishing of all tools and machines not worth transporting, the
Alliance star cruiser filled up with the colonists going off-planet
and the Markrabs began the Uttermost War by destroying the cruiser,
all satellite probes, and the Alliance space station. The planet
itself was spared devastation as neither side wished to disrupt or
destroy the unique ecological cauldron of immense scientific
- Bob Bledsaw on the origins of the

The easiest target was Judges Guild's
old warhorse of a setting, the Wilderlands. Easy because unlike many
other old published D&D settings, the Guild folks thought and
published a good deal more (and more rigorously) about the in-game
implications of all this.
Sandwiched between the terse descriptions
of hexes and settlements are these solid gold guidelines and
sub-systems covering everything from population density to
prospecting to semi-realistic cave systems. Helpfully a lot of that
work has continued to recently (see here and here).
(Really the compilation of such little
nuggets found in the Ready Ref sheets are one of the best—if worst
presented—examples ever produced in classic D&D of how you can
pull all the game elements together into an interesting “domain
game”--but that's a matter for another post).
So let's do some number crunching.
Again I'm going to focus on one area for my analysis, in this case
I'm picking on Map 1, the area that covers the much-famed City State
(and the most-densely inhabited place in that great stretch of
Trying to figure out what the square
mileage of that map is a bit of a headache—with the smaller 5-mile
hexes and poster-size you get a whopping 1768 hexes. I toss out all
the full ocean hexes (244) and count partial water and small islands
as half. That gives 1519 land hexes at 32,866.35 square miles (which
incidentally makes it the size of Austria or Maine). Now because I am
lazy I use a much more liberal count and count the total
land areas (remember I only
counted clear hexes in Veluna, a count that included the smallish
wilderness areas inside its borders would decrease the population
density even further by roughly 10 percent.)
Skipping to the chase (so as not to
induce eye glazing):
City State area: 8.56 people/square
mile, 281,667 total population.
Veluna (Folio): 4.89 people/square
mile, 267,000 total population.
Veluna (3.5 ed): 12.24 people/square
mile, 668,000 total population.
British Isles (circa 1300): 40
people/square mile.
France (circa 1300): 100 people/square
Punchline is that the City State area
is twice as densely settled as the old Veluna and not even that far
off from the tripling revision of 3.5 edition (which I more and more
think is likely closer to the original authorial intent).
Wilderlands though in my twisted,
little mind owns up to the implications of being such a howlingly
wild, post-apocalyptic place in a more explicit manner. The fallout
from the Uttermost War and following calamities that happened to the
former space colony of Ghenrek IV feel so much deeper and more
cataclysmic when you eyeball those many maps and see the little
pockets of civilizations.
The explicit variation of technology
levels from the neolithic up to late Renaissance-seeming technologies
reinforces this feeling. And with the smaller scale (six times
smaller than the Darlene maps remember) how fragile civilization
feels all the more obvious as you see how much bigger and closer in
those large swaths of forest are.
In the Wilderlands there are no
overarching large-scale polities with boundaries pushed up against
each other. It's a place where an overgrown city-state (nay THE
city-state) lead by a Lord Humungus-sounding “overlord” is one
of the most organized bastions of civilization existent.
So what does that do to our view of the
World of Greyhawk?
Sadly, it looks like the links to the Pegasus magazine issues on the Necromancer site are dead... Overall, though, have to agree - never met a fantasy setting that feels more clearly post-apocalyptic than the Wilderlands.
ReplyDeleteThe entire domain has fallen to grues now .. however, the Internet Archive has the download page and PDFs from Oct 2012
You know I kind of like that the fact that the Wilderlands are that roaring in my mind as well. Thanks for an awesome article/blog post.
ReplyDeleteThere is something strange going on with the Pegasus Downloads - because I had dead links when I first tried them one or two years ago and I had functioning links a few weeks ago, much to my surprise... just checked, the date stamp (when I saved them) on the PDFs is 08-20-12. Huh!
ReplyDeleteAh! Found out, same page, different place. Try this link:
Awesome! Many thanks.
DeleteNice find, I changed the link in the post to that. The demographics fan product is what you want.
DeleteLove the population density map. I'm compelled to tinker with that idea now.... :evil:
ReplyDeleteEarthdawn ("The ex-Theran province of Barsaive") has a similar feel, also due to post-apoc setting background.
Isn't that a beauty. I wish there was something comparable for other published settings.
DeleteFor anyone looking for said density map, it is here:
It is indeed a beauty.